Monday, October 13, 2008

The Death of Web 2.0

So I saw the video clip on Tech Crunch of all the tech elite having a party in Cyprus amid what is being tipped as the new  dot com bubble burst (along with the banking crash) and read the article about how this will possibly spell the end for Web 2.0 as we know it.

A couple of people having a blast is a good thing, making it available for everyone to see is procelss the rest was just bad timing. I for one have hoped for the death of Web 2.0 for sometime now. Yes we've all had our fun on Facebook and got in touch with those long lost pals, but its about time all the frivalous rubbish that came along with it was shaken up so that we can get rid of all the useless applications that have been associated with Web 2.0.

Don't get me wrong, I think enabling users to talk back and the rise of social networking has been a great thing. But along with it has come some really useless information. It seems that the net has become filled with vacuous content about things that are of little use but to the people who post them. (Take this blog as an example of just that). Maybe we'll all sober up a little and start using those applications that survive for more useful purposes. The kinds that have made the web the revolution is was tipped to be. I like the idea that someone can ask me a question and if I don't know the answer I can Google it and get Wikipedia's version, your version and that of maybe a hundred others and make up my own mind based on an informed decision. But if all the content on the web became the type of information that is usually found in the telephone conversation of a teenage girl, I think I might start to go mad.

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